Help Haiti

Ayunga tsun srung Haiti ila ildownloadsi fi'u tirol,way fu/si pamtseo..... Irayo ulte eywa ngahu!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Memang leader yang berwawasan...
"It was planned and proposed to the government by PNB. I did not direct PNB. PNB was the one who proposed [the project]. This is something the PNB management, or board, really wants"

He rationalised that the project boleh jadi symbol of a modern and developed Malaysia.

Memang true, as in sama effect dier dengan Petronas Twin Towers and Penang Bridge. memang betol Penang Bridge dulu people opposed, but now sedap korang bawak sedara-mara pegi jalan-jalan tengok bridge tuh.

Semata-mata I tak oppose project ini, I bukanla hairan nak support. When it was said that this project would not waste resources, but will bring benefit, I tak lah caya sangat. memang benefitnyer akan kiter lihat in the future.
Memang masa construction tuh akan create jam giler and such, and duit kiter pon habis, harga barang pon naik...
But, if you look at it through my eyes...

Kalau duit I yang kena tolak bayar tax hari-hari tuh digunakan untuk biayai anak orang lain blajar kat overseas walaupon result SPM tak sangat, and duit kiter tuh pon tak benefit we all sendiri, so lebih baik buat something yang I rasa worth it skit when I bawak rakan-rakan dari overseas cuti. Pernah rasa bangga tak when you bawak your foreign friends datang, and they say your Petronas Twin Towers look like diamond kerh or something?

Kalau tak, money kiter spend on sending a second fellow to space and make his wedding besar-besaran and biayai lagi budak-budak lain pegi study jauh-jauh, while kiter penat belajar kat sini tak dapat satu haprak, I mean, we just have to except la hakikatnyer yang kiter kena treat macam nih (hope it will change) and I rasa ini adalah salah satu caranyer kiterorang benefit something, kan?

Though many of you kata Malaysia can bersinar di mata dunia dengan cara lain yang worthy and sensible...Betol, kiter perlu upgrade kan education system kiterorang, public transport kena improve and more project perumahan yang berkualiti tinggi for orang rumah setinggan, world-class sewer system, etc etc... and since when PNB expert real-estate development? KLCC floors fully occupied kerh? How can budjet yang diannouncekan ader items not wanted by PM?

Kalau tak jadi, tak jadi la, rakyat menang...
kalau jadi, janganla dijadikan white elephant kat tengah-tengah town, malu giler! Better build something kat WP Labuan, kan ader 'proposal to transform Labuan jadi financial hub', maner dak proposal hang? And dont la compare a bridge with a building, like compare a coke bottle with my kepala lutut... Penang people need a bridge to get in and out, kan? Tak kan nak swim? Mati la jelly-fish kat situ!

Lebih baik korang buat tak taw je la, duduk rumah diam-diam, main dengan cucu-anak, makan cendol, yang ader exam tuh study hard skit, biarla,nih hal orang besar, takmo kaco... brape mahal seguni beras nak dicharge, US dollar naik doh! Heeeaaakkk!!

Biler dah habis 2015, kiter tengok cam nerh...

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